Day 100

One year and 100 paintings. It's been quite a trip. Lots of activity along with stretches of nothing. I had to kill myself to reach 100 after my winter of discontent. It's really fun to look back at where I started and see where I'm at now. Though I still have a long way to go, I'm very happy at this time. 

I'm going to be taking a few days off before beginning another year. It just so happens that today was my blog anniversary and tomorrow is my wedding anniversary. 19 years of putting up with me. The lady is a saint who has allowed me spend my evenings painting while she took care of our girls. Thank you Elizabeth.

I painted this metal cup a few times in the past, but not recently. Putting it on a couple strips of colored paper made for a neat affect. 

Buy it now

Striped Metal Cup

6" x 6" Oil on gessoboard


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