Day 41

I know what you're thinking, "Did that dude just paint a bagel?". Yes, it's a bagel. But no ordinary bagel. I found him in the kitchen wrapped in a plastic bag. He wasn't at the top, I had to dig down deep to retrieve him. He stuck it out with me under the hot lights of my painting box. He stood there while I worked, never complaining, never crying or begging for something to drink. We came to know each other, a special bond was established. I named him Tim.

After I was finished painting, had cleaned my brushes and photographed the painting for this blog, I carried Tim upstairs and put him back in the bag with the others. At the top this time. We'll meet again. In the morning, we'll meet again.

Good night Tim.

Composition with Bagel

6" x 6" oil on gessoboard


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