Day 23

I'm back!  I feel like my drawing skills with the paint brush has gotten to the point where I'm comfortable with it now. It doesn't feel strange when I begin and I'm confident of the results (most of the time). 

As I worked on this piece tonight (late start), I began to sense that old familiar tinge of frustration creeping in. I'm sure I'm like most people when it comes to this personal flaw. I'm working toward a goal, I'm making progress, but sometimes it doesn't seem to be enough. I start doubting my work. Next comes the "do I really need to be doing this" feeling. Excuses pop up. "I'm tired, I'm tired of painting fruit, I'm tired of getting paint all over me". 

I started this blog to keep myself motivated and on target. I choose to  broadcast it to friends to hold me to my goals. Sometimes its hard.

So with those uplifting words of encouragement, here's tonight's offering.

The Last of the Peppers.

6" x 6" oil on gessoboard.


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