Day 59

In the early days of my blog, I had painted this metal bowl with a red apple reflecting against it. I thought the painting went well, but in hind site the composition was poor. Tonight, I thought I'd give it another go round. In the frig, we had these grape tomatoes that were about to take a long needed vacation on the Teel family resort island of El Trashcano. There's one thing about tomatoes, if you buy them, you better eat them quick. Adios muchachos.

Reflections of Red

6" x 6" Oil on gessoboard


  1. Missing your posts :) Hope all is well

  2. You know when they say "there's only so many hours in a day", well my last three weeks have been proof positive of that old saying. I've been crazy busy at the office. Busy is good, but it's been cutting into my painting time in a major way. I hope to begin painting again next week. In the meantime, thanks for asking.


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